18 agosto 2007

Dissertações Filosóficas sobre o Livro "O Segredo" de Rhonda Byrne.

Why the ‘Secret’ may not be working for you?

The Law of Attraction has become known as ‘the secret’ since the release of Rhonda Byrne’s best selling book The Secret.

The Law of Attraction is not new to the Personal Development industry or to the spiritual seeker. For thousands of years the mystics, sages and spiritual teachers have known only too well the Universal Law of Attraction.

The early Jewish mysticism known as the Kabbalah, which is based on the teachings of Abraham over two and half thousand years ago talks extensively about reincarnation and the Law of Attraction.

Some of histories great philosophers and teachers including Gallileo, Da Vinci, Sir Isaac Newton, Leibniz, Pico della Mirandola, Sir Francis Bacon, Carl Jung and Plato studied the Kabbalah and understood the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction basically means that what we think, feel and believe we create. What we broadcast out to the universe in the form of our thoughts, emotions, feelings and beliefs we ‘attract back’ to ourself. All thoughts, emotions and feelings are vibrations of energy. All vibrations of energy will be attracted to similar/like vibrations of energy.

If you think good, positive, loving thoughts you will attract those experiences into your reality. If you feel you are unworthy of making money or having a loving relationship, this is what you will create. If you feel you are worthy winning in sport that is what you create. If you feel that you never have enough money that is what you will create.

Is it really so simple?

It is not so much what we think, as thoughts float into and out of our awareness, but what is crucial is how we feel. Our feelings mould our reality whether we like it or not.

So to create what you would like to create in your life you must feel the feeling of what it feels like to already have what you desire. Do not assume it is in the future, but feel as though you already have it. The subconscious mind does not determine between past, present or future. That is why all self affirmations and visualization techniques for manifestation use the present tense. We must feel what it feels like to have what we want – not focus on not having what we want.

Why does the Law of Attraction not always work?

When we broadcast our thoughts, beliefs and feelings out to the universe we not only broadcast out what we are aware of (or conscious of) but we also broadcast out everything that lies in our subconscious and unconscious minds. The subconscious mind is where all our memories and experiences are stored since conception in the womb. The unconscious mind is also referred to as the Soul, and this is where all our memories from all the lives we have ever lived reside.

Our conscious mind (awareness) is not aware of what is being broadcast out to the universe from all the programs running in our subconscious and unconscious mind’s. So when we want something in our life, or we try working harder and harder to achieve something and yet fail over and over again then we need to go deeper and look at what is happening beneath the surface of our awareness. For example, in my windsurfing career unconscious themes sabotaged my conscious efforts to win more events. For five years I seemed to have ‘bad luck’, chaos or illness that prevented me from winning. It made no difference how ‘positive I was’, or ‘how many self affirmations I told myself’, or how hard I trained, the programs running in my unconscious mind simply sabotaged everything.

It was not until I retired from sport and was able to connect with my own unconscious mind – my own Soul Story, that I was able to determine the ultimate cause of the ‘bad luck’, chaos and illness. At the deepest level I had ‘created’ all of it. But in order for me to have realized that I had to take responsibility for Self and acknowledge that I create my own reality.

The entire Self Help industry is based on taking responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings and actions. However, for most people it is ok to take responsibility for all the ‘good’ things in their life, but if they are then told that they also create the ‘bad’ things, then this is a bit hard for their ego/rational mind’s to accept. Only when you connect to your own Soul (and God Self) does the ego finally feel the truth of this – that our consciousness creates our reality.

When we are stuck in the five physical senses we feel separated from everything. We believe that all events happen by random chance. That is the illusion of the five senses. When we tune into our own ‘6th’ sense or Spiritual Intuition we start to connect with All there Is (the God Force/or God/Goddess/All there Is) – Oneness. Only then can we feel the truth.

If we keep on attracting in the same terrible relationships, or losing our job, or over spending our money, or going into debt, or have recurring illness, failing to lose weight or keep it permanently off, or we are unable to increase our income we need to look at the ultimate cause.

The ultimate cause always lies in our own consciousness.

Does a past life affect this life?

Time ‘is an illusion’ according to Einstein, Stephen Hawking and the great scientists throughout history. Time does not exist beyond the perception of our fives senses. As physical beings we experience time as a linear concept with past, present and future. However all time is simultaneous. It is our conscious mind that perceives it in a linear fashion. The Kabbalah uses the analogy that time equals the distance between cause and effect.

All of ourselves that we have ever been (all of our ‘past lives’) are still in existence somewhere in our own mind – or hologram. For example when hypnotherapists work with their patients they realize that all of the memories in a person’s past are still there in their mind. All memories are recorded and present in our mind-field. For example the child part of me who was operated on in hospital at four weeks old is still somewhere in my consciousness.

So another ‘life time’ is happening in another Time-Space continuum (another dimension) and is happening right now. The emotions and memory of any lifetime can be accessed in ‘now time’ (in this life time) and they are what is called ‘lifehoods’.

The soul operates in an open system; it is connected to the universe (or universal mind) and all information that has ever existed and exists can be accessed at this level. The universal mind has also been called the Morphogenic Field by Rupert Sheldrake, a leading biologist and thinker on the human mind.

The rational mind (intellect and ego) operates in a closed system bound by time and space and the five physical senses. This is important to recognize as a ‘past life’ cannot affect this life unless there is an unresolved theme that needs healing and resolution in this life. It means that if you ‘killed someone’ in a ‘past life’ it does not mean that you will ‘pay for it’ in this life. There is no direct link between ‘cause and effect’ from past life to this life because all of our ‘lives’ are happening now. The eternal now.

There have been misleading teachings among all religions in relation to ‘cause and effect’ when it comes to ‘paying for our sins’ in past lives. This is incorrect. Once we take responsibility and realize that we are ‘at cause’ and create our reality we can find any part of us that is creating chaos or pain for us and change it. This is called ‘clearing our karma’. We all have the ability to do this.

We can transform those parts of us that sabotage our desire to make money, have a loving relationship or win a sporting event.

All lives we have ever lived are all happening in the eternal now. The soul is multi-dimensional. It can live in many different existences simultaneously. Quantum science is starting to understand the nature of multi-dimensionality by discovering parallel universes.

So if we dig deep into our own subconscious mind we may find ‘programs’ (belief systems) that are no longer serving us. We all can develop belief systems that are not conducive to success at the subconscious level. If however we have healed everything we can find (via therapy, hypnotherapy, time line therapy, counseling etc) in our subconscious mind and yet still there is no change in our life then it is very common to have a ‘past life’ theme, or several, that are unresolved.

All emotional wounds and unresolved ‘programs’ from other lives exist at the level of the soul – deep in our own consciousness.

These emotional wounds leave imprints at soul level and often have a ‘bleed through’ affect where they affect our current life. And of course we have absolutely no idea that this is in fact happening, unless we have well developed spiritual intuition.

The only way to heal these is to find the ultimate cause – original wound at Soul level.

The unconscious mind affects the subconscious and conscious minds. Our core and unconscious belief systems, perceptions and filters are all shaped by our past life experiences. These deep lifehood wounds and experiences affect our ‘lens’ of the world, how we see, feel and experience other people and events in our life.

So in order to change, heal and transform the unconscious mind we need to find ultimate cause – you cannot simply change these wounds by using the power of your own thoughts to change your thinking. You have to heal the emotional charge that still resides at Soul level. That is why self affirmations and some meta-programming techniques do not work at this level.

Meditation is a great technique to reduce stress levels in the body, however unless we do the emotional processing and transform emotional charges nothing fundamentally changes in our lives.

True enlightenment is the ability to hold more Light in the cells of our body. The only way this can happen is if we transform emotional charges that reside in every cell of our body. That means healing each ‘personality program’ one by one. These are also called ‘personas’. One by one we can transform personas that originated in this life or another life. The less emotional charge we hold in our cells the more room they have to be able to hold more divine Light – Love from the creator – God/Goddess/the universe.

To do this requires deep self exploration, but more often than not a good practitioner who can access this information for you.

A mystic is someone who is able to ‘vibrate up’ and access the information at Soul level, interpret it and then assist people in gaining new awareness. For example when I work with my clients I am able to ‘vibrate them up’ to access and feel this information. This information is downloaded into their conscious awareness so that they can feel the truth of the lifehood wound, or issue that is still unresolved.

All information is energy and all energy simply vibrates at different frequencies. For example the information at the subconscious mind level vibrates higher than our conscious awareness. The information that resides at Soul level vibrates even higher than the subconscious mind level. So it really is about being able to access this information. We all have this ability, however, most people have forgotten how to do this. Most people have under-active spiritual intuition and discernment …

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